General Information

Details about roads, speed limits, mandatory car equipment, and some traffic rules. More detailed information on toll roads, petrol prices, parking, speed limits, etc., can be found in the sections below.

  no road tolls, except for payment on specific sections (tunnels)
urban area – 50 km/h
outside urban area – 90 km/h
highway – 120 km/h
motorway – 120 km/h

dipped headlights at night and in poor visibility
maximum blood alcohol level 0.49 ‰
talking on the phone while driving – prohibited
winter tires mandatory,
tire chains allowed only on snow or ice,
studded tires prohibited
mandatory equipment:
  • emergency stop sign,
  • reflective vest,
seat belts mandatory for all passengers
child seat/booster required for children under 12 years and with a height under 135 cm

Toll Roads

No toll is required for the passage of vehicles from foreign countries on the roads of Belgium. Toll is only collected for specific sections.

Cost of Passage through the Liefkenshoek Tunnel

Liefkenshoek Tunnel in Belgium

Liefkenshoek Tunnel

The Liefkenshoek Tunnel is a toll tunnel between Antwerp and Beveren under the Scheldt River. The tunnel is an extension of the R2 highway, a ring motorway that surrounds the city and the port of Antwerp. Located between Beveren Tunnel and Tijsmanstunnel, the Liefkenshoek Tunnel is the second of three consecutive automotive tunnels passing under the river and port facilities.

Liefkenshoek Tunnel on Google Maps

Payment can be made in three ways: cash, bank and fuel cards, and the Telepass system. Below are the rates for cash and card payments.
Rates for passage through the Liefkenshoek Tunnel:

  Vehicle Cash tariff Card tariff
Passenger car with a height of up to 3 m (Category 1) € 7.00 € 5.60
Passenger car with a height of more than 3 m (06:01-21:59) (Category 2) € 22.00 € 19.90
Passenger car with a height of more than 3 m (22:00-06:00) (Category 2) € 7.00 € 5.60
Toll lanes in the Liefkenshoek tunnel in Belgium

Driving in payment lanes

  • Lane 1: telepass, by cards - only category 2
  • Lane 2: telepass, by cards
  • Lane 3: telepass, by cards
  • Lane 4: telepass, by cards
  • Lane 5: telepass
  • Lane 6: telepass
  • Lane 7: telepass, by cards - only category 1
  • Lane 8: telepass, by cards - only category 1
  • Lane 9: operator in manual mode, cash

Learn more about fares on tunnel Liefkenshoek web site

Low Emission Zones (LEZ) in Belgium

Low Emission Zones (LEZ) in Belgium

What is a Low Emission Zone?

A "Low Emission Zone" (LEZ) is a term used to denote an area where the movement of the most polluting vehicles is prohibited. This measure is implemented in many Belgian cities (Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent) and European cities to improve air quality and, consequently, the health of the population.

How to Recognize LEZ

LEZ Around 300 road signs are installed at the boundaries of the LEZ to indicate that you are entering or leaving the low emission zone. You should only enter the LEZ with vehicles that meet the entry criteria for the zone. LEZ Map in Belgium

Does it Apply to Me?

The criteria for access to the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) depend on the category, fuel type, and Euro standard of the vehicle. Currently, entry into the zone is prohibited for cars (category M1), (mini)buses (category M2), buses and postal buses (category M3), or vans (category N1, excluding N1 vehicles with body code BC), operating on diesel with Euro standards 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 or petrol with Euro standards 0 and 1.
Access criteria will be strengthened in 2025. From 01.01.2025, mopeds, motorcycles, and other light two-, three-, or four-wheeled vehicles (category L) and trucks (categories N2, N3, and N1 with body code BC) will also be subject to the LEZ.

Permission to enter the low emission zones of the LEZ

Diesel and diesel-hybrid passenger cars

Norm 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Euro 6d
Euro 6d-TEMP
Euro 6 b, c
Euro 5
Euro 4, 3, 2, 1
Без Euro

Petrol, gas, hybrid passenger cars

Norm 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Euro 6d
Euro 6d-TEMP
Euro 6 b, c
Euro 5
Euro 4
Euro 3
Euro 2
Euro 1
Без Euro

You can read about other classes of cars on the website

Definition of the Euro norm for a passenger car

Emission norm Year of first registration
Euro 1 01.07.1992 - 31.12.1996
Euro 2 01.01.1997 - 31.12.2000
Euro 3 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2005
Euro 4 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2010
Euro 5 01.01.2011 - 31.08.2015
Euro 6 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2019
Euro 6d-TEMP 01.09.2019 - 31.12.2020
Euro 6d 01.01.2021 - ...

Non-compliance with LEZ Criteria

If your vehicle does not meet the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) access criteria, you can purchase a day pass and gain access to the Brussels Capital Region.

  • The day pass costs 35 euros per day. It will cost 20 euros per day for mopeds and motorcycles, 50 euros per day for heavy goods transport.
  • You can purchase the pass before entering the LEZ or the next day. The day pass can be purchased until midnight the day after using the LEZ. Example: if I drive through the LEZ on January 3rd with a non-compliant vehicle, I have until midnight on January 4th to buy a ticket.
  • After purchasing the ticket, you need to wait for 15 minutes before you can verify that your purchase has been accounted for.
  • For a vehicle, a maximum of 24 day passes can be purchased per year.
  • On January 1st of each year, the day pass counter is reset.
  • The day pass is valid only for the calendar day on which it was purchased and until 6 am the next day.
  • You only need to purchase a day pass(!) for the day(s) you use your vehicle. Example: you arrive in Brussels on September 19th and leave on September 23rd, but leave your car in the parking lot on September 20th, 21st, and 22nd. You only need to buy two day passes: one for September 19th and one for September 23rd.
  • Drivers of foreign-registered vehicles (including the Netherlands) wishing to purchase a day pass must first register their vehicle.
  • Valid passes are only those purchased through the website. Passes are not issued in sticker or paper form.

Many other nuances and details, as well as alternative transportation options in the city, can be found on the Brussels Low Emission Zones website

In addition to Brussels, such zones exist in other cities in Belgium: Antwerp, Ghent, Mechelen, and Vilvoorde

Speed Limits

Speed Limits in Belgium

Standard speed limits in Belgium (unless otherwise indicated by signs).

Cars and motorcycles:
  • Within built-up areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside built-up areas – 90 km/h
  • On expressways – 120 km/h
  • On motorways – 120 km/h
Cars with trailers:
  • Within built-up areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside built-up areas – 90 km/h
  • On expressways – 120 km/h
  • On motorways – 120 km/h

The minimum allowed speed on motorways is 70 km/h.

In a "Residential Zone" indicated by a road sign, the speed of vehicles should not exceed 30 km/h.

Low Beam Headlights

Low beam headlights are not mandatory during daylight hours. However, low beam headlights should be turned on during the day in conditions of reduced visibility.

Cost of Petrol in Belgium

А-95 € 1.548
Diesel € 1.649
LPG € 0.894

Parking in Belgium

On most central streets in cities, parking is subject to a fee. After payment, the receipt must be placed on the front windshield so that it is clearly visible from the outside.

On some streets, parking may be free but time-restricted (Blue Zone). In this case, it is necessary to place a blue cardboard clock on the front windshield, indicating the arrival time. Blue clocks can be purchased at gas stations, kiosks, and police stations.

Keep in mind that temporary signs may be placed on the left side of the road to indicate that the road must be clear for roadworks. Drivers who ignore this requirement risk having their car towed to a penalty parking lot.

On some very busy streets, a corresponding sign (Axe Rouge/Ax Rode) may be installed, indicating that parking is not allowed from 07:00 to 09:30 and from 16:00 to 18:00.

Street Parking in Brussels

Parking is divided into zones in Brussels, each with its own tariffs and maximum parking time.

Green Zone: unlimited time parking

  • €0.50 for the first half-hour
  • €0.50 for the second half-hour
  • €2.00 for the second hour
  • €1.50 for each additional hour

Gray Zone: parking allowed for a maximum of 4.5 hours

  • €0.50 for the first half-hour
  • €1.50 for the second half-hour
  • €3.00 for the second hour
  • €3.00 for each additional hour

Red Zone: parking allowed for a maximum of 2 hours

  • €0.50 for the first half-hour
  • €1.50 for the second half-hour
  • €3.00 for the second hour
No parking passes are valid.

Blue Zone: free parking for up to 2 hours allowed

Wait&Ride Zone: parking allowed exclusively for one bus, maximum duration 4.5 hours
Price: €1.00 for 15 minutes

For more information about parking in Brussels, parking rules for motorcycles, buses, bicycles, you can read on the official city website

Mandatory equipment

Equipment that must be in the car:
Reflective vest - drivers who stop in places, where stopping is prohibited, must wear a vest as soon as they leave their vehicle. Fine for non-compliance - €50.
Emergency stop sign
Recommended equipment:
First aid kit

Winter Tires, Studded Tires, Chains

The use of winter tires in Belgium is not mandatory but is recommended from October 1 to April 30 in mountainous areas.
The use of chains is allowed only if the road is completely covered with snow or ice.
The use of studded tires is prohibited, but in exceptional cases (under difficult weather conditions), it may be allowed from November 1 to March 31 for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons. Vehicles equipped with studded tires must have a speed limit sticker "60" on the rear. Speed limits for them are 90 km/h on motorways and 60 km/h on regular roads.