General Information

About roads, speed limits, mandatory car equipment, and some traffic rule requirements. In the sections below, you can read more details about toll roads, the cost of petrol, parking, speed limits, etc.

Payment for roads based on the distance traveled at special control points
In populated areas – 50 km/h
Outside populated areas – 90 km/h
On a road – 120 km/h
On a motorway – 140 km/h

Headlights are mandatory throughout the year
Maximum alcohol level 0.49 ‰
Talking on the phone while driving is prohibited
Winter tires are not mandatory, except in northern regions
Chains are allowed only in the presence of a special sign
Studded tires are allowed from November 15 to March 15 for vehicles up to 3.5 tons

Mandatory equipment:
  • Emergency stop sign,
  • Reflective vest
Seat belts are mandatory for all passengers
For transporting children – a child seat is mandatory for children up to 150 cm tall

Toll Roads

Roads in Bulgaria are paid through the use of a vignette. The price depends on the vehicle category and the duration of the vignette.

Cost of Vignettes in Bulgaria

Vehicle Type Weekends 7 Days 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year
10 BGN (5.10 €) 15 BGN (7.70 €) 30 BGN (15 €) 54 BGN (28 €) 97 BGN (49 €)

Motorcycles are exempt from road usage charges in Bulgaria.

Vehicles over 3.5 tons must pay for the distance traveled. You can calculate the route cost on the website
Details and nuances can be found here (in Russian)

Where to Buy Vignettes in Bulgaria

  • Online on the website:
  • Using the BGTOLL mobile app for Android and iOS
  • Through self-service terminals or at the cash desks of the Road Infrastructure Agency sales points

Validity Period of Vignettes in Bulgaria

Weekends — valid from 12:00 on Friday to 23:59 on Sunday

7 Days — valid for 7 consecutive days from the start date. For example, from July 15 to July 21.

1 Month — valid for 1 month from the start date. For example, from July 15 to August 14.

3 Months — valid for 3 months from the start date. For example, from May 15 to August 14.

1 Year — valid for 1 year from the start date. For example, from July 15 to July 14 of the next year.

Sections with Special Fees

Bridge Giurgiu, RO — Ruse, BG

The oldest bridge connecting Romania and Bulgaria, built in 1954.

Bridge Calafat, RO — Vidin, BG

2 traffic lanes for cars, bike lane, and pedestrian path, near the border with Serbia.

Bridge Fetești (Фетешть) — Cernavodă (Чернаводе)

Bridge Giurgeni - Vadul Oii

Tolls for Bridge Crossings

VehicleGiurgiu, RO — Ruse, BGCalafat, RO — Vidin, BGFetești — CernavodăGiurgeni - Vadul Oii
Type 1
Car up to 3.5 tons
€ 3€ 613 RON
(€ 2.7)
11 RON
(€ 2.3)
Type 2
Bus 9-23 seats including the driver or other transport from 3.5 to 12 tons
€ 12€ 1247 RON
(€ 9.8)
26 RON
(€ 5.4)
Type 3
Bus more than 23 seats
€ 25€ 2564 RON
(€ 13.4)
43 RON
(€ 9)
Current rates:

Ferry Crossing Bechet, RO (Бекет) - Oryahovo, BG

The ferry crossing operates 24/7, ferries depart every 2 hours, from Romania in odd hours, from Bulgaria in even hours

Bechet (RO) — Oreahovo (BG): 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00

Oreahovo (BG) — Bechet (RO): 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 24:00

Current schedule:

Ferry Crossing Călărași, RO (Калараш) - Silistra, BG (Сілістра)

Ferry schedule (check for changes on the official website, link below). In case of heavy traffic, ferries may depart as they fill up.

Calarasi - Silistra: 01:00, 4:15, 07:00, 10:15, 13:00, 16:15, 18:30, 22:15

Silistra - Calarasi: 01:30, 4:30, 07:30, 10:00, 13:30, 16:00, 19:30, 21:30

Current schedule:

Turnu Măgurele, RO (Турну-Мегуреле) — Nikopol, BG (Нікопол)

Turnu Magurele – Nikopol: 08:00, 12:30, 16:30, 20:00

Nikopol – Turnu Magurele: 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 19:30

Zimnicea, RO (Зімніча) — Svishtov, BG (Свіштов)

Crossing time is 15 minutes

Zimnicea, RO — Svishtov, BG: 08:30, 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30

Svishtov, BG — Zimnicea, RO: 07:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 19:00

Current schedule and prices (in Bulgarian, English):

Tolls for Ferry Crossings in Romania

CategoryBechet, RO - Oryahovo, BGCălărași, RO - Silistra, BGTurnu Măgurele, RO — Nikopol, BGZimnicea, RO — Svishtov, BG
Pedestrian€ 1€ 1
Car€ 12€ 8€ 10€ 4-5
Car with Trailer€ 20€ 15€ 15€ 4+8
Motorcycle€ 2€ 2€ 1€ 3
Minibus€ 30€ 25€ 30€ 8-20
Bus€ 40€ 27-36
All rates for the Bechet, RO - Oryahovo, BG crossing
All rates for the Zimnicea, RO (Зімніча) — Svishtov, BG crossing

Speed Limits

Speed Limits in Bulgaria

Standard speed limits in Bulgaria (unless otherwise indicated on road signs).

  • Within populated areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside populated areas – 90 km/h
  • On a road – 120 km/h
  • On a motorway – 140 km/h
Cars with trailers:
  • Within populated areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside populated areas – 70 km/h
  • On a road – 90 km/h
  • On a motorway – 100 km/h
  • Within populated areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside populated areas – 80 km/h
  • On a road – 90 km/h
  • On a motorway – 100 km/h

The minimum allowed speed on a road and motorway is 50 km/h.

In rainy weather, speed limits on a road are 90 km/h, and on a motorway – 110 km/h.

When driving with chains, the maximum speed is 50 km/h, and in pedestrian zones – 20 km/h.

Dipped Headlights

Dipped headlights are mandatory 24 hours a day throughout the year.

During daylight hours (from sunrise to sunset) under conditions of normal visibility, daytime running lights can be used instead of dipped headlights.

Dipped headlights are mandatory in tunnels.

Cost of Petrol in Bulgaria

А-95 € 1.244
Diesel € 1.244
LPG € 0.617

Parking in Bulgaria

In most cities, parking on the streets is subject to a fee. There are blue and green parking zones, marked with corresponding road markings and signs.

Parking in Sofia

You can pay for parking via SMS with a code only from Bulgarian numbers.
Details about SMS payment:

You can purchase a special parking ticket from parking inspectors or at the "Urban Mobility Center" EAD and their sales points.
There are three types of tickets:

  • A 0.5 BGN (€ 0.25) ticket allows parking for 30 minutes in the green zone
  • A 1 BGN (€ 0.5) ticket allows parking for 60 minutes in the green zone or 30 minutes in the blue zone
  • A 2 BGN (€ 1) ticket allows parking for 120 minutes in the green zone or 60 minutes in the blue zone
Read more details here:

Blue Zone

  • Maximum parking duration is 2 hours;
  • Price - 2 leva per hour (2 BGN, € 1)
  • SMS to phone number 1302
  • Weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:30;
  • Saturday - from 08:30 to 18:00.

Green Zone

  • Maximum parking duration is 4 hours;
  • Price - 1 leva per hour (1 BGN, € 0.5)
  • SMS to phone number 1303
  • Weekdays - from 08:30 to 19:30;

Parking in Other Cities

Usually, the price for an hour of parking is around 1 euro. In Burgas, parking can be paid using parking meters, and only the blue zone marked with corresponding blue road markings and signs is paid.

Mandatory Equipment

Equipment that must be in the car:
Emergency stop sign
Fire extinguisher
First aid kit
Reflective vest – a reflective vest is mandatory for anyone exiting the car, during the day(!) or at night in case of a stop or accident. The vest must be in the car, not in the trunk.

Transporting Children

Children under 3 years old can travel only using appropriate child restraint systems that correspond to their weight. It is allowed to transport children under 3 years old on the front seats provided that the airbag is deactivated.

Children from 3 to 12 years old and with a height less than 150 cm are prohibited from riding in the front seats. They can only travel in the rear seats of the car, using appropriate child restraint systems that correspond to their weight.

Winter Tires, Studded Tires, Chains

Winter tires are mandatory from November 15 to March 1, or summer tires with a tread depth of more than 4 mm can be used.
Chains must be used if the corresponding road sign is installed from November 1 to March 1. Therefore, it is recommended to have chains with you.
Use of studded tires is prohibited.