General Information

About roads, speed limits, mandatory car equipment, and some traffic rule requirements. In the sections below, you can read more details about toll roads, the cost of petrol, parking, speed limits, etc.

Paying for roads based on the distance traveled at special control points
In populated areas – 50 km/h
Outside populated areas – 90 km/h
Highway – 100 km/h
Motorway – 120 km/h

Dipped headlights are mandatory only when passing through tunnels
Maximum blood alcohol level 0.5 ‰
Talking on the phone while driving is prohibited
Winter tires are not mandatory but recommended in the north,
Chains allowed if there is a special sign,
Studded tires only on snow or ice from Nov 15 to Mar 31

Mandatory equipment:
  • Emergency stop sign (2 pieces),
  • Reflective vest,
  • Spare tire,
Seat belts are mandatory for all passengers
For transporting children – Child seat/booster required for children up to 135 cm tall

Toll Roads

Roads in Spain are paid based on the distance traveled, and the payment depends on the category of the vehicle.

The road payment system is constructed in such a way that different roads, and sometimes different sections of the same road, are serviced by different companies. We made incredible efforts to understand all of this. We found the websites of all the companies that service the roads and pages with tariffs or toll calculators for traveling on the roads.

Cost of passage through certain sections of highways in Spain for a passenger car:

Highway Code Distance Cost All Tariffs
AP-1 Etxabarri-Ibiña - AP-8 € 8.69 tariffs
AP-2 Barcelona - Zaragoza / the part Alfajarín (Zaragoza) - El Vendrell (Tarragona) free
AP-6 Villalba – Adanero € 13.35 tariffs
AP-7 from 948 km is paid only 318 km
AP-7 Alicante - Cartagena € 4.15 tariffs
AP-7 Cartagena - Vera € 10,90 tariffs
AP-7 Circunvalación de Alicante (El Campello - Monforte del Cid) € 3.25 tariffs
AP-7 Málaga - Algeciras € 10.20 tariffs
AP-8 Bilbao - Behobia (France border) € 12.35 + 2.85 tariffs
AP-9 Ferrol - Tui (Portugal border) € 23 tariffs
AP-15 Tudela - Irurzun € 5.95 tariffs
AP-36 Ocaña – La Roda € 13.60 tariffs
AP-41 Madrid - Toledo € 5.70 tariffs
AP-46 Alto de las Pedrizas - Malaga € 5.40 tariffs
AP-51 Villacastin – Avila € 1.50 tariffs
AP-53 Santiago - Dozón (Alto de Santo Domingo) € 6.15 tariffs
AP-61 San Rafael – Segovia € 2.60 tariffs
AP-66 León - Campomanes € 13.75 tariffs
AP-68 Bilbao – Zaragoza € 33.75 tariffs
AP-71 Leon – Astorga € 5.25 tariffs
C-32 the part Castelldefels – El Vendrell € 11.59 tariffs
R-2 Madrid-Guadalajara € 7 tariffs
R-3 Madrid-Arganda € 3.30 tariffs
R-4 Madrid-Ocaña € 6 tariffs
R-5 Madrid-Navalcarnero € 3.55 tariffs

If you are going to live in Spain, and you constantly use toll roads, then the electronic toll system will be useful to you and will allow you to receive discounts.
VIA-T website - electronic payment of roads in Spain
Useful sections on this site:
Road maintenance companies
Interactive map of toll roads

Sections with Special Fees

Cadi Tunnel

The tunnel is located in the province of Barcelona, with a length of 5 km.
Tunnel on Google Maps

Cadi Tunnel
Vehicle TypeOne-way Passage
Motorcycles€ 10.19
Passenger Cars€ 12.64
Commercial Vehicles€ 27.60

Current prices for passage through the Cadi Tunnel can be viewed on the website:

Vallvidrera Tunnel

The tunnel is located in the province of Barcelona, with a length of 2.5 km.
Tunnel on Google Maps

Vallvidrera Tunnel
Vehicle TypeRush Hours
07:30 - 10:30h
17:00h - 21:00h
Off-peak Hours
21:00h - 7:30h
10:30h - 17:00h
Motorcycles€ 3.54€ 3.15
Passenger Cars€ 4.55€ 4.04
Commercial Vehicles€ 7.15€ 6.36

Current prices for passage through the Vallvidrera Tunnel can be viewed on the website:

Artxanda Tunnels

Tunnels from the city of Bilbao to the north. There are three tunnels forming a triangle. One of these tunnels is used by transportation to the airport. Artxanda-Salbe Tunnel on Google Maps
Artxanda-Ugasko Tunnel on Google Maps
Salbe-Ugasko Tunnel on Google Maps

The cost of passage through the Artxanda Tunnels is € 1.31 during daytime hours from 06:00 to 24:00

Current prices for passage can be viewed on the website:

Speed Limits

Speed Limits in Spain

Standard speed limits in Spain (unless otherwise indicated on road signs).

Cars, motorcycles:
  • In urban areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside urban areas – 90 km/h
  • On a motorway – 100 km/h
  • On a highway – 120 km/h
Cars with trailers:
  • In urban areas – 50 km/h
  • Outside urban areas – 70 km/h
  • On a motorway – 80 km/h
  • On a highway – 90 km/h

Minimum allowed speed on a highway – 60 km/h

Spain has many speed control cameras installed not only within urban areas but also outside them. For example, you might exit a small turn at speed, and there's a camera, and so on.

Dipped Headlights

Dipped headlights are mandatory only when passing through tunnels.

Cost of Petrol in Spain

А-95 € 1.502
Diesel € 1.382
LPG € 0.949

Parking in Spain

In most cities, street parking is paid and time-limited. There are various parking zones marked with corresponding road markings and signs.

Parking in Madrid

Operating hours of the Madrid Regulated Parking Service (SER - Servicio de Estacionamiento Regulado):

  • Monday to Friday, excluding holidays: from 9:00 to 21:00.
  • Saturday: from 9:00 to 15:00.
  • August (Monday to Saturday, excluding holidays): from 9:00 to 15:00.
  • December 24 and 31: from 9:00 to 15:00.
  • Sunday and holidays: no service.

Parking Zones in Madrid

There are different zones for parking with various time restrictions, prices, and features. However, we recommend leaving the car outside the paid parking zone and using public transport. It works well in Madrid, with metro and train branches covering the city extensively. For example, getting to the airport from the city center takes about 40 minutes. If you still need to drive into the central part of the city, below is information about parking zones and their rates.

Payment must be made at a nearby parking meter.

Green Zone
Parking is allowed for a maximum of two hours. After reaching this maximum, it is not possible to park again in the same area until one hour has passed from the end of the parking time.

5 min - € 0.15
20 min - € 0.50
30 min - € 0.90
1 hour - € 2.05
1.5 hours - € 3.10
2 hours - € 4.10

Blue Zone
You can park for a maximum of four hours. On roads between blocks, you can park on both sidewalks if you have paid the amount corresponding to the zone color. After reaching the maximum, parking again in the same area is prohibited until one hour has passed from the end of the parking time.

5 min - € 0.05
20 min - € 0.25
30 min - € 0.40
1 hour - € 1.10
1.5 hours - € 1.70
2 hours - € 2.75
2.5 hours - € 3.80
3 hours - € 5.20
3.5 hours - € 6.70
4 hours - € 8.20

White (free) parking zone
When parking in such a zone, you need to check the information indicated on the sign. If no additional restrictions are indicated, you can leave your car here.

Paid Parking Zone in Madrid

Paid Parking Zone in Madrid

There are no intercepting parking lots in Madrid. In the city center, there are underground garages with prices approximately ranging from 19 to 23 euros per day. Information about them can be found on the website of the Madrid City Council:

Parking in Barcelona

Parking Zones in Madrid

There are blue, green, and other parking zones with various time restrictions, prices, and features. However, we recommend leaving the car outside the paid parking zone and using public transport. If you are still forced to drive into the central part of the city, below is information about parking zones and their rates.

Payment must be made at a nearby parking meter.

Green Zone
Parking is allowed for a maximum of two hours. After reaching this maximum, it is not possible to park again in the same area until one hour has passed from the end of the parking time.
Green zone working hours are from Monday to Friday or from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 20:00 without a break.

Green Parking Zone in Barcelona

30 min - € 1.50
1 hour - € 3
1.5 hours - € 4.50
2 hours - € 5

Blue Zone
You can park for a maximum of two hours. After reaching this maximum, it is not possible to park again in the same area until one hour has passed from the end of the parking time.
The main working hours of the Blue zone coincide with the most intense traffic times in the city, from 9:00 to 20:00 without a break from Monday to Friday. However, in the city center, this schedule is also extended to Saturday, and in beach areas, it also applies on Sundays and holidays.

Blue Parking Zone in Barcelona

30 min - € 1.35
1 hour - € 2.50
1.5 hours - € 3.75
2 hours - € 5

White (free) parking zone
When parking in such a zone, you need to check the information indicated on the sign. If no additional restrictions are indicated, you can leave your car here.


For traveling abroad, a Green Card insurance policy is mandatory. Policies are valid for 15 days, 1 month, 2 months, etc. monthly up to 1 year.
We also recommend having a medical insurance policy insurance abroad.
And to drive on the territory of Ukraine, you need to have a valid motor vehicle policy.

Calculation of insurance cost

Green Card Price:
1002 UAH

Policy order

To order, please fill out the form below.

You can check the validity of the Green Card policy through the service of the Motor and Transport Bureau of Ukraine:
Checking the validity of the policy Green card

Mandatory Equipment

Equipment required to have in the car:
Emergency stop sign
Reflective vest – a reflective vest is mandatory for anyone exiting the car, during the day(!) or at night in case of a stop or accident. The vest should be in the car's interior, not in the trunk.
Spare tire

Winter Tires, Studded Tires, Chains

Winter tires are not mandatory
Chains are allowed only on road sections marked with a special sign. The maximum speed for a car with chains should not exceed 50 km/h
Use of studded tires is allowed only from November 15 to March 15 on snow-covered or icy roads.